Friday, April 11, 2014

Welcome Back Whales

This morning the Quielute Tribe had their annual Welcome to the Whales  ceremony.  Last night, we went down to see the whales and were not disappointed.  We saw many fins, tails and spouts, though our pictures do show them.  Even if you don't get to see the whales, the scenery is beautiful.

Before we went out to LaPush, we had to admire the 50 or so elk in our neighbor's field up Division Street. And besides seeing whales at the beach, there were eagles flying overhead.  All in all, yesterday was a splendid day for wildlife viewing.

Here at the Miller Tree Inn, we have good availability for the next few weeks.  You might want to come out and welcome the whales back for yourselves.


  1. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Wish we were there.....elk, eagles and whales in one day. It doesn't get much better than that.

  2. That sounds amazing. I hope to make it sometime to see the whales. We are shooting for being there this September.
    Former guest from Nashville,tenn.
