Monday, April 27, 2015

April Showers, April Flowers

We had our share of April showers this year and it has caused an explosion of April flowers in our yard.  Most flowerbeds are covered with blue bells.  The daffodils are on their way out, but still hanging in there and the tulips are up and swaying in the breeze.  The azaleas are popping out and the rhodys will be next.

We left in early April to take a train trip to Montana and were wowed by the colors upon our return.  I think that spring may be my favorite season!

We did miss the grand opening of the Rainforest Arts Center.  This Arts Center rose from the ashes of the old Dazzled by Twilight store and is really a welcome addition to the Forks core.  Many of the September Twilight activities are scheduled to take place in this building and we think our visitors will be really pleased.

Keep looking at the Forks Chamber of Commerce Events page.  Perhaps you can catch a performance, lecture, movie or some other happening at the Arts Center.  We currently have room availability for most nights in May, including Memorial Day weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Happy the Rainforest Arts Center opened. Looking forward to seeing it. The pic of flowers is beautiful. Your description of all the flowers sounds like heaven.Did Edward go to Montana also?
