Saturday, May 28, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

We hope that everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day Weekend. Here in Forks, at the Miller Tree Inn Bed and Breakfast, we have been enjoying some sun and clouds and very little rain! Hurray!

At "twilight" last evening, it was sunny and drizzling and we saw the most amazing rainbow from our side yard. It was quite beautiful, so we thought we would share it with you. We think that the Cullen family would have approved.

On another note, we have almost complete the work on Carlisle's Office. We need to refinish a desk and get a few more pictures on the wall, then we hope to get a picture posted on the blog.


  1. Awesome rainbow pic. I can't wait to see Carlisle's office!

  2. The rainbow was wonderful. It was only by chance that we caught it.

    We just have a few pictures to put up in Carlisle's Office. We have shown our Twilight fan guests this weekend and are getting positive comments. It makes it fun for us.
