Sunday, July 4, 2010
The "Tourists of the Day" for our Old Fashioned 4th of July Festival stayed with us at the "Cullen House" aka the Miller Tree Inn. They came to us from Pearcedale, Australia. Our local Chamber of Commerce Director came and interviewed them this morning over our traditional 4th of July fare, "Red, White and Blueberry French Toast." After breakfast they were driven down main street in our parade, were given tickets to the Lion's Club Salmon Bake and Demolition Derby. Fireworks at dusk will complete their day and they will enjoy the many gifts that the merchants of Forks put together for them.
We were able to take Pocket Edward to the Parade today. It was cloudy and misty, just like he likes it. He spent most of the day hanging out under our umbrella.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Thank a veteran for their part in keeping our country free.